A new science of parenthood (2024-2029)

The PAR2 Project: This project is funded by a European Research Council Consolidator Grant and has the aim to better understand parenthood from the perspective of social development. At the moment, social development research largely finishes as people enter early adulthood, with foci on parent-child, peer, and romantic relationships. In PAR2, we take the stance that parenthood is a completely new social role and might lead to developmental changes in social skills and behaviour. Viewing parenthood through the lens of social development also allows us to benefit from the toolbox of social development research to study origins of individual differences. In doing so, we will focus on social networks, developmental history, and genetic influence.

Vacancies for postdoc and PhD positions will be posted on the University of Groningen website and relevant academic job websites. To get involved beyond those positions, to collaborate, or simply to learn more about PAR2, please get in touch.

Selected publications that inform PAR2:

Kretschmer, T. (2023). Parenting is genetically influenced: What does that mean for research into child and adolescent social development?. Social Development32(1), 3-16. [>]

Kretschmer, T., Vrijen, C., Nolte, I. M., Wertz, J., & Hartman, C. A. (2022). Gene–environment interplay in externalizing behavior from childhood through adulthood. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry63(10), 1206-1213. [>]

Kretschmer, T. (2021). The value of multiple‐generation cohorts for studying parenting and child development. Child Development Perspectives15(2), 83-89. [>]